One day @schizoSQL enters in a bar and sdaf ~~sdaf~~ https://site.dom/img/gussy.png lololo r/againsthatesubs **lol** @schizocel's jeep ded Some good old html tags <br> dsfajlkò <b>sweaty</b> dsafkl ~~strikethrough~~ dsfa ``` In the code block number 1, some said u/bardfinn and even <b>bussy</b> ``` <code> In the code block number 2, some other said u/bardfinn and even <b>bussy</b> </code> and finally, out side any codeblock, some other said u/bardfinn > quote block >be me >C\C++ can easly be compiled to WASM >wanting to port mistletoe to C >??? >fail and revert to mistletoe in py >gonna load py runtime in WASM >:!marseycapywalking: >**bold** >evilface.jpg --- another aphradsjklfò :#marseyplace2::#gigachadglow: #fortune ~strike single~ #factcheck it doesn't work :marseytrollgun: bussy #fortune Also ||spoilers ahead! :marseypearlclutch: ciao|| ~strike through~ ~ nest maxxing ~~lmao~~ dsf ~ ~~normal strike~~ take a look here fsda